CIC Staff in Print--Rebecca Crist Co-Authors "Shared Print Programs"
Apr 13, 2015, 12:20 PM
Rebecca Crist of the CIC's Center for Library Initiatives is the co-author of the recently released ARL publication, Shared Print Programs.
Along with co-author Emily Stambaugh of CDL, Crist explores the extent of ARL member libraries’ participation in shared print programs, the type and scope of programs in which they choose to participate, the rationale for participation, the value and benefits the programs provide to ARL and other libraries, and the roles different libraries are playing in them.
To best explore these aspects, this study includes two surveys:
Survey of ARL Member Libraries—The 125 ARL libraries across the US and Canada were asked general questions about all shared print programs in which the institution participates, goals and benefits of participation, rationale for participation, and services provided. This survey did not ask about the details of a single, specific shared print program but rather about a library’s participation in shared print arrangements in general.
Survey of Shared Print Program Managers/Coordinators—Information about a specific shared print program was gathered from shared print program managers/coordinators. This survey asked about specific business and operational models, strategies, goals, membership, collections, archiving progress, access, and other services.
Kim Armstrong, Deputy Director of the CIC's Center for Library Initiatives noted the importance of this study: "We are excited that Rebecca took the lead on the important work of documenting shared print storage arrangements currently in the U.S. and Canada. The CIC has one of the largest collective collections in the country and has a crucial place in the network of shared storage arrangements. Rebecca’s leadership in producing this important SPEC Kit will help all libraries determine strategies for the management of their print collections going forward."